There was once a happy family of seven who loved God with all their hearts! Even without a car, they dedicated themselves to walking two hours round trip to attend church every Sabbath and prayer nights during the week.

But the journey to church was not always easy. Their small village was surrounded by long, winding roads, and the path to church took them through an area that was bushy and isolated.
Even during the day, the thick trees and overgrown bushes made the place feel eerie. It was a place everyone avoided if they could, especially at night. Friends warned the family about the bad people who lurked there, but there was no other way to get to church.

One night, after a long prayer night at church, the family headed for home at 9pm. The air felt unusually heavy, and an eerie quietness hung over the bushy area they had to pass through. The only sounds were the occasional flap of a bat’s wings or the distant hoot of an owl. The children’s usual chatter had faded into nervous silence.

As they approached the dreaded area, the father’s voice broke the tension. “Now we say Psalm 91 so God can protect us,” he said, his eyes scanning the dark path ahead. Without hesitation, each child silently recited the psalm in their hearts, just as their parents had taught them. The night seemed to grow darker as they stepped deeper into the thick, shadowy trees and overgrown bushes.
Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the loud rattling of metal. Out of nowhere, an old police car, rusted and creaky, came zooming up behind them, its headlights flickering as it approached.

The family watched in shock as the car sped past them, only to screech to a stop near a large, twisted tree just ahead—the very tree they were about to walk under.
Two policemen jumped out of the car, and they sprinted toward the tree. “Get down from that tree, you two!” one of them shouted, his voice cutting through the eerie quiet.
To the family’s shock, two men leaped down from the branches, their hands gripping glistening knives. The moonlight, now peeking through the clouds, reflected off the blades.

The policemen quickly grabbed the men, handcuffed them, and pushed them into the back of the police car.
The engine roared to life, and the car rattled off into the distance, its red taillights fading into the darkness.
The family stood frozen in their tracks, their hearts pounding. They were speechless, realising what had just happened. If they had arrived at the tree the men with knives would have surely hurt them. Their minds raced—how did the police know the thieves were hiding there? The area was so isolated that no one else was around.
The father turned and looked at this family. A small smile crossed his face as he said softly, “God knew. He sent His angels to protect us.”

Deep down, they all knew it was true. God had guided them safely through the darkness, shielding them from harm. The family’s faith only grew stronger. No matter how tough the journey became, they never doubted that God was walking with them. And every time they passed that old, twisted tree in the isolated area, they would smile and say, “Thank you, God, for your protection.”
PICTURE CREDIT – depositphotos