Wendy and Lisa are co-authors of the picture storybook series for young children, ‘When I’m Shining with Light’. These books form part of the Kids Light Up © project, a forum for educational information which teaches resilience as its foundational basis. Kids Light Up © specifically emphasises positive values and qualities so kids can thrive. We can’t wait for you to read their interview!
What inspired you to start writing?
When my amazing 6yo son was in 3yo kinder his teacher said that it would be good for him to do a Social Skills program. I went away and thought “there needs to be something on the fruits of the spirit that does social skills”. Then I felt God drop into my heart “you need to write books on the fruit of the Spirit” (Galations 5:22). I thought ‘woooh’ that’s pretty big God! Then I prayed lots about what was the next step to take. Then my friend Wendy’s name kept coming into my mind and I felt God saying to me to ask her to write these books together.
As an Early Childhood teacher I have always appreciated good picture story books that are a springboard for discussions about values and qualities that lend to explicit teaching. When I realised there were very few books that describe what the fruits of the spirit look and feel like, I decided to write my own! A few years ago Lisa began tapping me on the shoulder saying, ‘We need to write some picture story books on the fruit of the spirit!” Wow! I was definitely on board. This began a series of discussions about how teaching these qualities and values to young children is such an abstract idea, and difficult to teach children about how the Holy Spirit can work within us. Finally we decided to go and do a study each on ‘JOY’. We began meeting together regularly to see whether this could be a ‘thing’. We met many times, and each time we were amazed at how the ideas we had were so similar. We felt strongly that this was going to be a ‘thing’- more than that- it was a God thing!
Tell us about your book series – What makes them different from books or series out there?
These books are all about the fruit of the spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness and Self control. We have written four so far: Love, Kindness, Peace and Joy. We plan to write a final book in the series called ‘When I’m shining with Light”, and this will be about how all the fruits of the spirit together help us to be the best version of ourselves.
These books show us what the fruit of the spirit looks and feels like in our everyday life. Our little ‘Stellar bear’ shows us what happens when things go wrong, and how to make it right again. Through these books we acknowledge that we all make mistakes. The star on Stellar bears chest reflects the emotions of Stellar, and is like the light of the Holy Spirit, showing us the way to shine.
Why was it important to get this message out?
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are not fruits we bear of our own sheer will and desire. We bear fruit when, and only when, we are grafted to the True Vine. Jesus Christ is our nourishment! His Holy Spirit in us is the fruit producer; we are simply the branches which have the privilege of displaying His fruit.
The Holy Spirit is our enabler, he empowers us in all that we do. This catch phrase would make a good T-shirt: “We don’t bear it; we just wear it!”
How long does one book take you to write?
Some books came together very quickly! Some took many times of meeting together.
It takes anywhere from two weeks up to three months. We do a bible word study on each fruit, then we simply talk about what each quality feels and looks like, then describe it using our rhyming verse.
What has the response been like for these books?
Really great! Kids love reading them and they love Stellar Bear. We have had many lovely responses. Children have said, “I’m shining with Joy, because I can hug you”! “I’m shining with kindness, when I help you mum”! Parents have said that they love the positive and truth messages that are taught. Some teachers have been reading these books to help talk about classroom culture, how we want to be in the class, and how we can be the best version of ourselves.
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is showing that you believe in delivering great quality work, and doing my best for the Lord. More than that I believe it means you value others. If you value teamwork highly, then it is safe to assume that you would make a great team player. Lisa and I value working together, because we bring different gifts and ideas to the project, and when we work together we find the Holy Spirit inspires us and directs our path.
Honouring God and using the gifts He has given me to bless and encourage people to be the best they can be – pointing them to Gods love for them.
Who inspired you to follow your dreams?
All through my life I have been so blessed to have people inspire me to follow my dreams. My dad and mum have been my biggest cheer-leaders plus some pretty amazing teachers and Pastors.
My Father always said to me, “You can do anything you decide to do! The only thing you can’t do is put the toothpaste back in the toothpaste tube!” While I often laughed along with my Dad at this comment, he always encouraged me to have go at new things and give it your best shot. He was always trying new projects, and when I saw him doing this I was inspired to try new things for myself, like writing a book!
Sharon Witt (Author of Girlwise and Guywise books) is one of our colleagues and friend and she has mentored us through the journey of writing, printing and publishing our books. We are so grateful for her insights and direction. She has been so encouraging and we have been truly inspired by her wisdom.
What advice do you wish you had 5 years ago?
The gifts that God has given me have not gone away – they will be used again.
When things don’t work out, God always has a plan!
What do you do when you feel uninspired?
I go for a walk in nature. Breath in the fresh air, feel the sun or wind on my face and just “be”. Then I feel refreshed and inspiration comes back.
I start to organise myself. I clean up my office by putting things away, then I feel I have the time and space to start something fresh.
What can you not live without?
God’s love…and hugs from my son and husband.
Definitely my family! I also love to work in the garden and grow vegetables!
Finish this sentence ‘Above all else…
Remember: ’“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
Stay close to the Lord, as it is through him that we find our strength.
Remember that you are unique and that everything that makes you you is “so good, so very good”!
In Genesis 1:37 after God made mankind (every man, women, boy and girl) it says “God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good! (The Message)
What’s your favourite bible verse?
Psalm 119:105, “Your word is lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
This verse talks about the word of God being a light. We think of the Holy Spirit as being a light, and we tried to show this by the star on our little Stellar Bears chest showing us the way to shine.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.
This is my favourite verse because no matter if I’m having a hard day or a good day or I’m sad or happy I will choose to be joyful, to pray and to thank God for his goodness.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Lisa & Wendy:
Writing more picture story books for children that help them to be the best God has made them to be.
Finish this sentence…’I can’t start my day until….?’
I’ve had a good breakfast. I need my energy for the day.
Had some quiet time with God. And a cup of coffee!
How can our lovely mothers contact you? What’s your social media handle and website?
We would love to hear from you! We are on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter. You can also leave us a message through our website.
or email:
[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
https://www.facebook.com/kidslightup/ https://www.instagram.com/kidslightup/
Where can we purchase your books?
Our books are available from the website www.kidslightup.com.au
If you live in the outer East of Melbourne you can choose local pickup from Ringwood or Mount Evelyn Christian School, just mention this when you purchase.
You can also purchase our books at: Book Depository, AbeBooks, Readings, Fishpond, Amazon AUST & US, QBD, Booktopia, Angus & Robertson.
Who does your illustrations?
Kayleen West does our beautiful illustrations. We love her illustrations as they help to make the books come to life. For each illustration she asks God to show her what to draw – and they always come out just right – God right!
Kayleen is an award winning children’s author, illustrator, designer and creative educator. Her works hang in private and corporate collections around the world including the Australian Embassy in Ireland. She is a very creative lady with many projects on the go. She has illustrated and written some beautiful picture story books such as ‘Adoptive Father’ and “Without Me’.
Any other words you’d like to add?
Writing did not come easily for me. All the way through my time at school English and Writing was my biggest weakness. If someone had told me that I was going to write books when I was older I would have thought they were joking. But after lots of extra English classes and help and practice…well here I am an author! I would never have thought it was possible. Of course God did! So follow your dreams, practice and trust God has good things planned just for you.
It is interesting how both Lisa and I felt like we didn’t do well at school, especially English studies. Writing an essay did not come easily. However, through trying, asking for help and having another go meant that I got better. I balanced this out with things I love to do like art.
We love the work that these lovely ladies are doing! We believe in this ministry and the books they are sharing. Don’t forget to check out their website!